Quick Cattle Definitions
There are soooooo many parts that make
Here are some very important definitions in the cattle industry:
- Bovine
- an animal of the cattle species. This taxonomy subgroup includes bison, water buffalo, yak, etc.
- Cattle
- generalized group of bovine animals.
- Cow
- a sexually mature female bovine that has had a calf
- Heifer
- young female bovine prior to having her first calf
- Bull
- intact, male bovine
- Steer
- male bovine castrated prior to puberty
- Calf
- young bovine under one-year-oldĀ (male or female)
- Weaning
- the separation of calves from their mother
- Cow-Calf
- a segment of the livestock industry; producers breed and raise calves
- Stocker
- a segment of the livestock industry; producers utilize high-roughage diets and grass resources before moving to the feedlot
- Feedlot
- a segment of the livestock industry; enterprises that feed concentrate diets, the final stage before procurement
- Ruminant
- Cattle have a ruminant stomach comprised of four different compartments; the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and the abomasum. This digestive system allows ruminant animals to break down otherwise inedible matter like grasses.
Now that we have that all cleared up we can talk about the bull selection process, checking cows, the process of preconditioning, and working calves. The livestock industry is amazing and has taught me so much. I learned a lot in college but I’ve learned even more working on the farm.
I hope this blog teaches you something about agriculture because agriculture has taught me everything.