
Quick Update – Farm, Industry, Family

Well friends… it’s been a while. To say we’re busy is an understatement. With work, school, activities, farm, and various events, I have not been as active as I would like to be on updating and writing blogs. And to be honest, I’m not here to say that I’m changing my ways. But I hope I can do better.

Our bottle baby, Quinn

So, what’s going on you may be asking? Sarah and Trent are involved with Kansas Corn and have gone on a few tours this spring. I am involved with Kansas Livestock Association Young Stockman’s Academy. We just finished our second session where we toured consumer focused businesses in Kansas City.

We are still calving (we are on a “true spring” calving schedule). We have a bottle calf named Quinn. Quinn’s momma didn’t claim her. We tried to pair the calf with the cow, but she didn’t seem to accept her. After several attempts, we dug out a bottle.

We have begun walking wheat fields and pulling rye. Since we raise certified and registered wheat, we want to make sure our wheat is clean and pure. This ensures that any farmer that buys wheat from us, has a clean seed product that is not contaminated with weed seed.

Spring is one the busiest times of the year for a co-op as farmers are planting soybeans, corn, sunflowers, cotton, sorghums. I am in charge of seed, fertilizer, and chemical so every product is a hot commodity right now.

Sarah and Trent are getting married at the end of July. This past weekend we had Sarah’s Bridal Shower in their town followed by the Bachelorette party. We had a lot of fun and she seemed to truly enjoy being around friends from different times and places in her life.

Alright… I think I’ve covered enough of the updates for now. I hope to get another blog written yet tonight and post it very soon. If there is anything y’all are ever curious about, feel free to ask! Sarah and I love talking about agriculture and educating people about our favorite industry.