The Importance of knowing the TRUTH
Hey y’all,
In Agriculture, there
I love when people ask me questions about agriculture! But sometimes I don’t have the answer. I feel a little silly not knowing simple answers to some questions when I have grown up on a farm all of my life. Some people don’t have the luxuries that I do when it comes to knowing about agriculture. Ag Education is important because it helps explain the origin of everyday products that most people take for granted.
In my Public Speaking class at K-State, we had a lot of free reign over the topics as long as we included key features. Most of my speeches were about agriculture and one in particular was about how kids don’t know where their food comes from. I found one article from a UK website where they had interviewed kids and some kids thought that eggs came from underground perhaps at the bottom of a plant.
Another time, I was teaching with a few other KSU students at a elementary school. We were talking about crop and weed ID and the importance of certain crops and why weed control is vital. Listening to the kids guess which crops were which was very eye-opening because some kids knew all of them while others guessed wheat when the crop was actually corn.
This blew my mind because not only did I grow up with both livestock and crops but we had an assortment of both. Over time, we raised cattle, sheep, hogs, and chickens. And in the most recent years we’ve started getting more variety in our crops. So the fact that people don’t know about crops and livestock just stresses the importance of Ag Education.
There are more people incarcerated than there are farms in the US. This means 2% of the population is responsible for feeding 100%. THAT’S CRAZY! Agriculture is vital to survival yet some people don’t know where their food comes from.
Agriculture affects every part of our daily lives. From the clothes you wear to the food you eat. It is simply amazing to me that the industry that I work in is responsible for keeping us alive.
Have a blessed day!